Proper Safety Netting Installation On A Bridge or Construction Workplace Can Save Lives

Safety Netting Installation For A Bridge, Industrial, Commercial or Construction WorkplaceSafety netting installation for bridge and construction debris net fall safety must be done correctly to perform correctly. An improperly installed system configuration can give the illusion of safety, only to fail at the critical time. It isn’t just a decoration to satisfy a building inspector; it’s in place both to protect the lives of workers at height and to prevent falling objects from injuring or killing people below.

Whatever Your Installation Needs, We Have Solutions

Depending on the resources available to you and the budgeting needs of your business, FallProof offers three different installation solutions. For netting rentals or purchase, we provide these options:

    1)  We provide you with everything needed for your team or maintenance personnel to do the install. This is the preferred option for many of our customers who have worked with us in the past.
    2)  We provide you with nets and hardware, and one of our trained onsite supervisors assists your team in the installation. Generally after three or four days, your crew is ready to complete the job without our help. Where a system needs to be “jumped”, or moved to a higher floor, we often return for an additional day or two at the time of the first jump.
    3)  We provide a full turnkey package that includes labor and all of the debris or personnel netting and hardware necessary to complete your job. This is often the best solution for a one of a kind job such as a railroad bridge or historical building, and also works well when the general contractor does not have available personnel.

The following are examples of FallProof’s past installations of safety netting:

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